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Are Communication Skills Important When Working In IT?

Communication skills are as important as technical skills when working in IT. This is especially true for leadership positions such as chief technology officer.

Working in IT requires the programming and systems administration skills needed to conceive, design, and deploy essential technology. Communication skills are required to collaborate on projects and explain technical concepts to people not working in IT.

Find out why communication skills are important when working in IT.

Professional Credibility

Working in IT requires relevant knowledge, skills, and experience to share, develop, and implement ideas. It also requires the ability to connect with others while sharing messages. Using logic to support verbal and written communication, such as with data, is essential as well.

Communication skills are necessary to break down internal silos and promote collaborative approaches to work. This requires forming connections between IT professionals and employees from other departments to implement enterprise technology.  It also involves clear communication to manage the backend systems to support activities that drive revenue.

Active Listening

Paying close attention to what employees at all levels have to say about the technology used throughout the organization is important. This includes asking follow-up questions and restating what is heard to ensure understanding.

For instance, actively listening to company leaders’ technical needs helps develop effective solutions that function within the organization. Also, training employees to use newly implemented technology and answering questions increases its adoption success. Plus, active listening streamlines project workflows for increased efficiency.


Showing empathy is important when talking with non-technical employees who might struggle to understand backend systems and operational platforms. IT professionals who view the situation from the other person’s point of view can effectively and understandably share information.

For instance, IT professionals can use empathy and communication skills to effectively deliver employee data security training. This helps employees enhance cyber security for the organization.

Emotional Objectivity

There will be times when professionals working in IT disagree on how to approach a task or complete a project. This can result in conflicts with colleagues and coworkers.

The ability to remain emotionally objective helps IT professionals use their communication skills to focus on the underlying issues. Working together to resolve the issues helps provide positive outcomes.

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