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How to Help Your Remote Team Fight Against WFH Fatigue

Odds are your IT team has been working remotely since the coronavirus began. This likely will continue because of the convenience, efficiency, and cost savings.

Most of your employees likely enjoy working from home (WFH). Not having a commute should make them more productive.

However, working remotely for an extended time can be fatiguing. Consistently participating in online meetings and discussions can quickly lead to exhaustion.

As a manager, you must do what you can to promote engagement and productivity among your remote team. This helps fight against WFH fatigue.

Implement the following tips to help your remote team fight against WFH fatigue.

Provide Flexible Scheduling

Let your remote team determine which hours they work. Encourage them to work within a set timeframe so they have time for other interests.

Flexible scheduling lets your remote team perform their work during the times they are most productive. This increases employee and team efficiency and performance. It also helps fight against WFH fatigue.

Maintain Open Communication

Consistently communicate with your remote team. Encourage them to maintain daily connections with both you and each other.

Find out how your employees are doing. Ask about their mood, well-being, and any issues they may be experiencing. Provide support as needed.

Openly communicating with your remote team shows they are valuable members of the organization. This helps fight against WFH fatigue.

Encourage Regular Breaks

Emphasize the importance of your remote team taking regular breaks. They should walk away from their workspaces for 5-10 minutes every hour to destress.

Your employees can take a walk, meditate, read a book, listen to music, or engage in another relaxing activity during their breaks. They should come back to their workspaces refreshed and ready to work. This helps fight against WFH fatigue.

Remind your remote team to use all of their vacation days and paid time off. They need time away from work to reconnect with family and friends. Your employees should come back rested and ready to produce.

Get Training on Managing a Remote Team 

Managing a remote team significantly differs from managing an onsite team. As a result, receiving relevant training helps you more effectively manage your employees.

Your team may work remotely for the foreseeable future. Understanding how to manage and support them helps fight against WFH fatigue.

Need to Add to Your Remote Team?

Partner with DVA Technology to find experienced professionals to add to your remote team. Reach out today.

