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How to Follow Up During Different Stages of the Hiring Process

follow up

The hiring process is paramount for job candidates. If you engage with a business at each stage of the hiring process, you can lay the groundwork for a long-lasting relationship. Plus, you can improve your chances of making a great impression on a potential employer and landing your ideal job.

Now, let’s look at tips to help you follow up with a business at different stages of the hiring process.

After You Submit Your Application

Reach out to the company and make sure they received your application. You can send an email to the business’ HR department or the recruiter or hiring manager who posted the job online. Or, you can reach out to the individual who posted the job via social media or LinkedIn.

When you reach out regarding your application, be authentic. Craft a message that indicates you want to confirm that your application was received. At the same time, you can ask follow-up questions about the company or the job.

A follow-up message lets you open the door to a conversation with a potential employer. It allows you to show you are genuinely interested in the opportunity and want to capitalize on it. Therefore, your follow-up message can help you stand out from other applicants. It may lead to an interview request, too.

After You Interview with a Business

Follow up with your interviewer within 24 hours of your meeting. You can send a brief email to thank your interviewer for their time. You can also use your message to share your thoughts on the interview experience.

For example, you can thank the interviewer in your message and highlight something he or she mentioned during the meeting. This shows your interviewer you listened to what he or she had to say. It can also set the stage for more conversations regarding your candidacy.

Keep the lines of communication open with your interviewer in the days after your interview. If you don’t hear back from your interviewer within about five days, follow up with him or her. Then, you can check the status of your application and find out if the company wants you to move forward in the interview and hiring processes.

After a Final Interview

Go above and beyond to show a potential employer you are the best candidate for a job. This requires you to send a follow-up message after your final interview that cements your status as the ideal candidate.

At this point, you can call your interviewer after your final meeting. This gives you a chance to thank your interviewer over the phone and find out if he or she requires any additional information.

If you want to go the extra mile, you can send your interviewer a short video to thank him or her for meeting with you. This also gives you one last opportunity to explain why you deserve an opportunity with their business.   

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