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Common IT Project Management Challenges That Are Slowing You Down

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IT project management challenges can crop up without notice. And, if left unaddressed, they can hamper your business’ ability to get work done quickly and effectively.

Don’t let IT project management challenges get the best of you. Instead, learn as much as you can about these challenges, and you can take measures to avoid them.

Now, let’s look at three of the most common project management challenges for IT, along with tips to help you mitigate these issues.

1. Project Changes

Agility is paramount during IT projects. Because, if you are required to make project changes on the fly, your team must be able to adjust accordingly. Otherwise, a project can go off the rails — and you may need to start over.

Planning and preparation can make a world of difference in terms of dealing with project modifications. Those who plan ahead can prepare for any obstacles that may come up during a project.

Also, it helps to establish project milestones and track your progress. This can help you avoid falling behind. It can limit the risk of costly and time-intensive project mistakes, too.

2. Poor Communication

Your IT team must keep the lines of communication with all stakeholders involved in a project. Because, if silos reign supreme, team members may work independently on project tasks. This can lead to errors, since certain team members may be unaware of what is being completed by their peers. It can increase the risk of poor project results, due to the fact that team members are not on the same page.

It can be beneficial to use project management tools to track work tasks. Furthermore, IT team members can participate in regular meetings to discuss the status of a project. They can maintain ongoing communication with all stakeholders impacted by a project as well.

3. Subpar Delivery Model

Mapping out every stage of an IT project can be a long, arduous process. Yet, those who ignore project planning may struggle to identify and leverage an appropriate delivery model. And, without the right delivery model in place, an IT team is unlikely to achieve the optimal results from its project.

Your IT team must be transparent across the project lifecycle. To do so, it should establish project deadlines and do everything possible to stick to them. Your IT team must also ensure that appropriate stakeholders can get project updates without delay. This ensures that IT team members can ensure a project is completed on schedule.

Want to Find IT Project Managers Who Match Your Expectations? DVA Technology Can Help

IT project management challenges can impact all areas of your business. However, you can hire talented IT project managers who can address these challenges before they escalate.

DVA Technology is the premier IT staff augmentation and placement firm for businesses throughout the United States. We can help your company find IT project managers who can help you grow your business. To learn more about our IT staffing services and solutions, please contact us today.

